Answer the call, change the world

Christian Ministry, MACM

You want to change the world through the power of the Gospel. 获得你在青年和家庭事工中所需要的神学基础和个人培育, justice ministry, chaplaincy, faith-based nonprofit work and more.

49学分的基督教事工学位,塑造你对教会和世界的忠诚服务. Our faculty teach, form, and nurture students so that graduates:

  • Understand scripture, theology and church history
  • 解释和传播福音,以尊重基督教信仰和当代多元文化世界
  • Serve as an effective minister and disciple in a variety of settings
  • 了解并发展在某一专业领域的综合技能

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全球网赌十大网站的路德神学院(LTSS)位于哥伦比亚,南卡罗来纳州. 在LTSS,全球网赌十大网站相信成为路德会信徒意味着与其他教派建立关系.

That’s why some of our students are Methodists, some are Baptists, and there are students from other denominations as well. 无论你的信仰是什么,你的问题和见解在这里都有一席之地.

一些进入神学院的学生在宗教研究和神学方面有广泛的学术背景. 其他人有事工经验,这可能与某些课程有关. 如果你认为你是这些学生中的一员,请联系注册主任, 谁会考虑你的情况,与院长或其他适当的教职员工协商.

Program Highlights

  • 获美国及加拿大神学院协会(ATS)认证委员会认可
  • Full-tuition scholarships available
  • No GRE required
  • Quick admission decision
  • Beautiful campus located in Columbia, South Carolina
  • Only ELCA seminary located in the southeastern United States
Joshua Wullenweber

LTSS非常多元化,由不同年龄、种族、性别和取向的学生组成. 我很感激能在离我成长的地方这么近的地方找到一个伟大的信仰和学习社区.

Joshua Wullenweber MDiv’20

Program Requirements

Offered in Columbia SC

基督教事工文学硕士(MACM)学位是一个为期两年的课程(49学分),包括神学核心课程和三个独立的专业事工:会众事工, ELCA Deacon and Methodist Studies. 开放式的公理会事工课程允许任何教派的学生追求最能支持他们个人事工的学术兴趣. ELCA执事课程准备学生在美国福音路德教会担任执事. 卫理公会研究课程可用于完成学科基础研究生神学研究(BGTS)课程以及联合卫理公会的某些其他会员资格和按立要求. 

Program Admission Requirements

Visit Graduate Admission for the most current Program Admission Requirements.

News & Events

LTSS professor talking to students in a classroom.

神学院因其致力于成为一个包容的社区而得到神学院协会的认可, 表彰其教职员工,他们对自己的信仰和对学生的关怀表现出真正的热情, as well as its relationship with Lenoir-Rhyne.

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Pastor Kermit Moss

莫斯即将完成普林斯顿神学院的博士学位, and he will teach courses on practical theology, Black church studies and hip hop culture.

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